Tuesday, 14 December 2010

An Olympic performance from Rejuvenate!

Manchester-based business consultancy Rejuvenate, gave an Olympic performance yesterday as they delivered a training programme to help cosmetic surgery specialist Castlefield Clinic grow its turnover and profit by 50 per cent during the next year.

Castlefield Clinic, which is set to celebrate its 20th anniversary, has turned to Rejuvenate for support after previously using the consultancy to help it put in place a new management structure and business processes.

Team members and directors of the clinic were invited to Manchester’s premier entertainment and sports centre, The Green (previously known as Golftorium) to learn new techniques, focus on the challenge ahead and feel truly inspired to reach new heights.

Rejuvenate provided a full agenda of workshops designed to share knowledge, inspire action and motivate the team, whilst branding the programme and devising an internal communication strategy which will keep the team on track to deliver throughout 2011.

Highlights of the day’s activity included an energetic vision workshop which saw the team tear magazines apart in search of representational images, and an inspirational story delivered by the comical and successful British Olympic Swimming Champion, Steve Parry. His winning medal was brought for all to see!

Rejuvenate, based in Manchester’s Northern Quarter, is headed by entrepreneurs Anna-Louise Gilhooley and Shazan Qureshi and works with companies ranging from dynamic start-up businesses through to global brands such as Mercedes-Benz.

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